Investing In Invisalign


Have you wanted to straighten your teeth for years? Have you been put off by the thought of braces? Well, there’s no need to worry anymore Invisalign in Dorking is a stand out system of teeth straightening that works to align your teeth in a way that’s adaptable to you and your lifestyle. Sure they’re an investment in the beginning but how much is a perfect smile worth? We’ll leave that one up to you.

The Need To Knows

If you’re seriously contemplating Invisalign in Dorking then you’ll need to understand what they are and how they work.

In the simplest way possible Invisalign are two clear, plastic trays that sit perfectly over your teeth. These magical trays place pressure on your teeth one or two at a time moving them into a new position. As they work in this system what you might not have realised when you start the Invisalign in Dorking journey is that you’ll actually be wearing new aligners every single week. You start off with one pair and move on to two the next a couple of weeks later.

Why You Should Invest in Invisalign in Dorking

We at Old Court House Dental Practice don’t by any means want to put patients off fixed, metal braces as we truly believe these are an excellent system that still holds a valued place within our industry. But there are some benefits of Invisalign that wired braces can’t match and for this reason they aren’t available on the NHS.

What Are The Benefits?

Number One – CLEAR IS COOL – it goes without saying that the fact Invisalign are pretty much invisible just makes them kinda cool. The simple design means they’ll adapt into your everyday look without people really being able to notice much difference. This is a real stand out feature of Invisalign which we at Old Court House Dental Practice really love.

Number Two – CLEAN IS COOL – Keeping on top of good cleaning is really key to long term good oral health care. This isn’t anything new. But what makes Invisalign so special is that unlike what’s come before you are now able to remove your braces whilst cleaning to make sure you get right between the teeth and into the gum line.

Number Three – COMFORT IS COOL – We want all our patients to have as comfortable a time as possible when they’re straightening their teeth. This doesn’t mean you need to put your feet up and spend all your time relaxing. It’s that Invisalign offers a more comfortable experience as there’s no sharp edges to catch on gums and lips and there’s no serious pressure pushing and pulling at teeth. That’s not to say that there will be no discomfort at all because it’s likely there will be days when your teeth are sore. It’s just that it’s more manageable than some other systems


If you think that all sounds kinda cool then why not get in touch with our team to find out a little more – your dream smile could be a phone call away.