Old Court House Dental Practice

Conscious Sedation in Dorking

Many patients feel self-conscious about dental treatment and nervous about visiting the dentist. We offer special care to our anxious patients through two forms of sedation to make their appointments more comfortable and relaxing.

  1. The first type is called intravenous or IV sedation. The sedative drug is injected in a controlled manner, so that you feel relaxed during the dental treatment.
  2. The second type is inhalation sedation, which is good if you don't like needles. A small mask is placed over your nose and mouth, and you breathe in a mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen. This gas mixture will make you feel calm during your dental appointment. You remain awake and aware while receiving the sedation, but you will experience a deep sensation of peace and relaxation while the team work on your teeth.
Conscious Sedation

Our team of dentists and nurses are specially trained to deliver these types of sedation and will make sure that you are safe and comfortable at all times during your visit.

Life Benefits
  1. Now you don't have to let your fear of the dentist stop you from getting the dental treatment that you need.
  2. A safe way to feel calm and relaxed during dental treatment.
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Contact our team at OCH Dental in Dorking, Surrey, to see why we are the right choice for dentistry.
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Contact Information

Old Court House Dental Practice

277 High Street, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1RY

Call us today: 01306 885611

Email: [email protected]

Opening Hours
Monday 8.00 am - 17.30 pm
Tuesday 8.00 am - 17.30 pm
Wednesday 8.00 am - 19.00 pm
Thursday 8.00 am - 16.00 pm
Friday 8.00 am - 16.00 pm
Alternate Saturday 9.00 am - 13.00 pm
Sunday Closed